How to install Transmission on CentOS 7
Hi today I have a new challenge in my hand. Now I have a requirement
for installing a bittorrent client on my Cent OS 7. In the menu I could
not find any thing. I also looked in the software section but could not
find any. After doing my initial research I have found that not very
much torrent client can be installed on the CentOS 7. Today we are going
to show you how to install transmission on CentOS 7 to download a
We will also how you how to install transmission on Centos 7 with the graphical interface of Transmission. For the GUI we will use GTK+ as the interface. It is not very difficult you will be able to install Transmission very easily.
Transmission also does not provide us with any RPM which we will be
able to install easily. Now only one option remain, download the source
code and compile it.
How to do it !!!
Step 01: At first we need to download the
appropriate tool for the configuration to be successful. If you are new
to linux system then please login using your root account and run the
following commands. You can also add sudo command in front of the command if you not logged in as a super user.
yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ m4 make automake libtool gettext openssl-devel libcurl-devel libevent-devel intltool gtk3-devel
Step 02: Now you can download the package from the
transmission site. The location for the download is
“”. Under the Source Code
section you will find the source code file. You can us wget to download
the file. I have used the following command to download the file. Just
replace the download link with your updated download link
Step 03: Issue the following command to untar the file.
tar -xf transmission-2.84.tar.xz
Step 04: Switch into the directory.
cd transmission-2.84/
Step 05: Configure the source code by using the following command
Step 06: Then type and with for it to finish. When
building of Transmission is done then you will get your terminal prompt
back. Check the screenshot given below.
Step 07: Let the make finish and then enter the
following command to install the application. Again see the screenshot
below to just for your conformation.
make install
Now you have finished installing the Transmission software for your
CentOS 7 system you will be able to access the software or torrent
client in two ways.
To use the daemon / service of transmission
The daemon or service (term used in Windows) can be used by using the
following command. You may need to use transmission as a daemon if you
are planning to run it as a server where everyone can log in and
download there own torrent.
Step 01: You are almost done. Just run the daemon
Step 02: Open your browser and then navigate to
or if you want to access remotely use
http://<ip address of this machine>:9091
Finished Product
To use the GTK+ graphical interface of the Transmission
Now you may do not want to run the Transmission as a daemon or
service. You like you good old uTorrent like client you can also have it
as we have complied with the GTK+ library and Transmission software should be installed in you Application Menu.
Navigate to Application -> Internet and run Transmission
application and download your favorite torrent. See the screenshot
From the below screenshot you can see that I have successfully completed my task of installing Transmission on CentOS 7.
Hopefully you had no problem installing Transmission on CentOS 7. If you have any problems with the blog then please leave a comment below and we will solve it as soon as possible.
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