
Most modern Unix-like operating systems offer a centralized mechanism for finding and installing software. Software is usually distributed in the form of packages, kept in repositories. Working with packages is known as package management. Packages provide the basic components of an operating system, along with shared libraries, applications, services, and documentation.

A package management system does much more than one-time installation of software. It also provides tools for upgrading already-installed packages. Package repositories help to ensure that code has been vetted for use on your system, and that the installed versions of software have been approved by developers and package maintainers.

When configuring servers or development environments, it's often necessary look beyond official repositories. Packages in the stable release of a distribution may be out of date, especially where new or rapidly-changing software is concerned. Nevertheless, package management is a vital skill for system administrators and developers, and the wealth of packaged software for major distributions is a tremendous resource.

This guide is intended as a quick reference for the fundamentals of finding, installing, and upgrading packages on a variety of distributions, and should help you translate that knowledge between systems.

Package Management Systems: A Brief Overview

Most package systems are built around collections of package files. A package file is usually an archive which contains compiled binaries and other resources making up the software, along with installation scripts. Packages also contain valuable metadata, including their dependencies, a list of other packages required to install and run them.

While their functionality and benefits are broadly similar, packaging formats and tools vary by platform:

Operating System Format Tool(s)
Debian .deb apt, apt-cache, apt-get, dpkg
Ubuntu .deb apt, apt-cache, apt-get, dpkg
CentOS .rpm yum
Fedora .rpm dnf
FreeBSD Ports, .txz make, pkg

In Debian and systems based on it, like Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and Raspbian, the package format is the .deb file. APT, the Advanced Packaging Tool, provides commands used for most common operations: Searching repositories, installing collections of packages and their dependencies, and managing upgrades. APT commands operate as a front-end to the lower-level dpkg utility, which handles the installation of individual .deb files on the local system, and is sometimes invoked directly.

Recent releases of most Debian-derived distributions include the apt command, which offers a concise and unified interface to common operations that have traditionally been handled by the more-specific apt-get and apt-cache. Its use is optional, but may simplify some tasks.

CentOS, Fedora, and other members of the Red Hat family use RPM files. In CentOS, yum is used to interact with both individual package files and repositories.

In recent versions of Fedora, yum has been supplanted by dnf, a modernized fork which retains most of yum's interface.

FreeBSD's binary package system is administered with the pkg command. FreeBSD also offers the Ports Collection, a local directory structure and tools which allow the user to fetch, compile, and install packages directly from source using Makefiles. It's usually much more convenient to use pkg, but occasionally a pre-compiled package is unavailable, or you may need to change compile-time options.

Update Package Lists

Most systems keep a local database of the packages available from remote repositories. It's best to update this database before installing or upgrading packages. As a partial exception to this pattern, yum and dnf will check for updates before performing some operations, but you can ask them at any time whether updates are available.

System Command
Debian / Ubuntu sudo apt-get update

sudo apt update
CentOS yum check-update
Fedora dnf check-update
FreeBSD Packages sudo pkg update
FreeBSD Ports sudo portsnap fetch update

Upgrade Installed Packages

Making sure that all of the installed software on a machine stays up to date would be an enormous undertaking without a package system. You would have to track upstream changes and security alerts for hundreds of different packages. While a package manager doesn't solve every problem you'll encounter when upgrading software, it does enable you to maintain most system components with a few commands.

On FreeBSD, upgrading installed ports can introduce breaking changes or require manual configuration steps. It's best to read /usr/ports/UPDATING before upgrading with portmaster.

System Command Notes
Debian / Ubuntu sudo apt-get upgrade Only upgrades installed packages, where possible.

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade May add or remove packages to satisfy new dependencies.

sudo apt upgrade Like apt-get upgrade.

sudo apt full-upgrade Like apt-get dist-upgrade.
CentOS sudo yum update
Fedora sudo dnf upgrade
FreeBSD Packages sudo pkg upgrade
FreeBSD Ports less /usr/ports/UPDATING Uses less to view update notes for ports (use arrow keys to scroll, press q to quit).

cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portmaster && sudo make install && sudo portmaster -a Installs portmaster and uses it to update installed ports.

Find a Package

Most distributions offer a graphical or menu-driven front end to package collections. These can be a good way to browse by category and discover new software. Often, however, the quickest and most effective way to locate a package is to search with command-line tools.

System Command Notes
Debian / Ubuntu apt-cache search search_string

apt search search_string
CentOS yum search search_string

yum search all search_string Searches all fields, including description.
Fedora dnf search search_string

dnf search all search_string Searches all fields, including description.
FreeBSD Packages pkg search search_string Searches by name.

pkg search -f search_string Searches by name, returning full descriptions.

pkg search -D search_string Searches description.
FreeBSD Ports cd /usr/ports && make search name=package Searches by name.

cd /usr/ports && make search key=search_string Searches comments, descriptions, and dependencies.

View Info About a Specific Package

When deciding what to install, it's often helpful to read detailed descriptions of packages. Along with human-readable text, these often include metadata like version numbers and a list of the package's dependencies.

System Command Notes
Debian / Ubuntu apt-cache show package Shows locally-cached info about a package.

apt show package

dpkg -s package Shows the current installed status of a package.
CentOS yum info package

yum deplist package Lists dependencies for a package.
Fedora dnf info package

dnf repoquery --requires package Lists dependencies for a package.
FreeBSD Packages pkg info package Shows info for an installed package.
FreeBSD Ports cd /usr/ports/category/port && cat pkg-descr

Install a Package from Repositories

Once you know the name of a package, you can usually install it and its dependencies with a single command. In general, you can supply multiple packages to install simply by listing them all.

System Command Notes
Debian / Ubuntu sudo apt-get install package

sudo apt-get install package1 package2 ... Installs all listed packages.

sudo apt-get install -y package Assumes "yes" where apt would usually prompt to continue.

sudo apt install package Displays a colored progress bar.
CentOS sudo yum install package

sudo yum install package1 package2 ... Installs all listed packages.

sudo yum install -y package Assumes "yes" where yum would usually prompt to continue.
Fedora sudo dnf install package

sudo dnf install package1 package2 ... Installs all listed packages.

sudo dnf install -y package Assumes "yes" where dnf would usually prompt to continue.
FreeBSD Packages sudo pkg install package

sudo pkg install package1 package2 ... Installs all listed packages.
FreeBSD Ports cd /usr/ports/category/port && sudo make install Builds and installs a port from source.

Install a Package from the Local Filesystem

Sometimes, even though software isn't officially packaged for a given operating system, a developer or vendor will offer package files for download. You can usually retrieve these with your web browser, or via curl on the command line. Once a package is on the target system, it can often be installed with a single command.

On Debian-derived systems, dpkg handles individual package files. If a package has unmet dependencies, gdebi can often be used to retrieve them from official repositories.

On CentOS and Fedora systems, yum and dnf are used to install individual files, and will also handle needed dependencies.

System Command Notes
Debian / Ubuntu sudo dpkg -i package.deb

sudo apt-get install -y gdebi && sudo gdebi package.deb Installs and uses gdebi to install package.deb and retrieve any missing dependencies.
CentOS sudo yum install package.rpm
Fedora sudo dnf install package.rpm
FreeBSD Packages sudo pkg add package.txz

sudo pkg add -f package.txz Installs package even if already installed.

Remove One or More Installed Packages

Since a package manager knows what files are provided by a given package, it can usually remove them cleanly from a system if the software is no longer needed.

System Command Notes
Debian / Ubuntu sudo apt-get remove package

sudo apt remove package

sudo apt-get autoremove Removes unneeded packages.
CentOS sudo yum remove package
Fedora sudo dnf erase package
FreeBSD Packages sudo pkg delete package

sudo pkg autoremove Removes unneeded packages.
FreeBSD Ports sudo pkg delete package

cd /usr/ports/path_to_port && make deinstall De-installs an installed port.

The apt Command

Administrators of Debian-family distributions are generally familiar with apt-get and apt-cache. Less widely known is the simplified apt interface, designed specifically for interactive use.

Traditional Command apt Equivalent
apt-get update apt update
apt-get dist-upgrade apt full-upgrade
apt-cache search string apt search string
apt-get install package apt install package
apt-get remove package apt remove package
apt-get purge package apt purge package

While apt is often a quicker shorthand for a given operation, it's not intended as a complete replacement for the traditional tools, and its interface may change between versions to improve usability. If you are using package management commands inside a script or a shell pipeline, it's a good idea to stick with apt-get and apt-cache.

Get Help

In addition to web-based documentation, keep in mind that Unix manual pages (usually referred to as man pages) are available for most commands from the shell. To read a page, use man:

  • man page

In man, you can navigate with the arrow keys. Press / to search for text within the page, and q to quit.

System Command Notes
Debian / Ubuntu man apt-get Updating the local package database and working with packages.

man apt-cache Querying the local package database.

man dpkg Working with individual package files and querying installed packages.

man apt Working with a more concise, user-friendly interface to most basic operations.
CentOS man yum
Fedora man dnf
FreeBSD Packages man pkg Working with pre-compiled binary packages.
FreeBSD Ports man ports Working with the Ports Collection.

Conclusion and Further Reading

This guide provides an overview of basic operations that can be cross-referenced between systems, but only scratches the surface of a complex topic. For greater detail on a given system, you can consult the following resources:

'LINUX' 카테고리의 다른 글

CentOS 본딩 구성(Redhat)  (0) 2016.10.18
SSH Key - 비밀번호 없이 로그인  (0) 2016.06.27
iptables 상세 설정  (0) 2016.05.23
rsync 사용법  (0) 2016.05.21
OpenVAS - 원격 호스트 보안 취약점 분석  (0) 2016.05.21

'jaeilyou's' 카테고리의 다른 글

인터넷 통신사 가입 가이드  (0) 2017.03.07
청주 고기 맛집  (0) 2016.10.27
업체1 견적1 - 28,230,000원  (0) 2016.05.29
업체2 견적 - 48,000,000원 (1, 2층 전체)  (0) 2016.05.29
업체1 견적2 - 35,230,000원  (0) 2016.05.29

'jaeilyou's' 카테고리의 다른 글

청주 고기 맛집  (0) 2016.10.27
업체1 견적2 - 35,230,000원  (0) 2016.05.29
업체2 견적 - 48,000,000원 (1, 2층 전체)  (0) 2016.05.29
업체1 견적2 - 35,230,000원  (0) 2016.05.29
업체1 견적1 - 28,230,000원  (0) 2016.05.29


위 견적서는 샷시 미포함 견적 (1,2층 전체)

샷시 추가 시 12,000,000 원 추가 (LG베스트 샷시)

1, 2층 모든 리모델링 가격

총 합계 48,000,000 (일금 : 사천팔백만원)

'jaeilyou's' 카테고리의 다른 글

업체1 견적2 - 35,230,000원  (0) 2016.05.29
업체1 견적1 - 28,230,000원  (0) 2016.05.29
업체1 견적2 - 35,230,000원  (0) 2016.05.29
업체1 견적1 - 28,230,000원  (0) 2016.05.29
안드로이드 분실 추적 어플 / AndroidLost  (0) 2016.05.20


디자인 인테리어
수신 :OOOOOO귀하
견적 대상 : 주택 리모델링 공사 견적서
견적합계금액 :₩35,230,000          디자인 인테리어
 <단위 : 원>
코드공사명내       용수량단위단 가금    액비    고
200창호공사      11,480,000 
300도기공사      820,000 
400수전용품공사      1,105,000 
500타일공사      2,644,000 
600가구공사      4,910,000 
700전기공사      185,000 
800조명공사      865,000 
900도장공사      1,550,000 
1000바닥공사      2,023,000 
1100도배공사      2,080,000 
1200목공사      2,097,000 
1300철거공사      500,000 
1500기타공사      250,000 
덧붙임1) 상세내역서 참조하세요.
  공    사    비   30,509,000 
  기업이윤(공사비*5%)   1,525,450 
            공 사 비 합 계     32,034,450 
  부가세 (공사비*10%)   3,203,445 
  합          계   35,237,895 
  단          수   -7,895 
  견적 합계 금액   35,230,000 
   저희 업체 에서는 공사완료후 새집증후군 케어 서비스 를 무료로 실시하고있습니다
덧붙임1) 상세내역서
코드공사명내       용수량단위단 가금    액비    고
201창호공사1) 베란다 샷시       
202 LG 베스트(외부22mm) 이중창  18,900,0008,900,000 
203 LG베스트(22mm복층유리)    m2130,0000 
204 3) 목문110MM래핑문       
205 현관중문도아(1000*2100) 일반   500,0000 
206 현관중문3연동 (1200*2400)  11,200,0001,200,000예림/한샘
207 현관 중문 (양계문) 망임 유리   650,0000 
208 ABS도어(900*2100)  4230,000920,000예림/한샘
209 베란다문도아;7mm망임유리 포함   380,0000 
210 부자재(실리콘,폼,정첩,도아록,철물)  440,000160,000 
211 인건비  2M/D150,000300,000 
212 식대   10,0000 
213 운송비   30,0000 
301도기공사세면기  (일반)  2145,000290,000한샘/로얄
302 세면기 (국산)   160,0000 
303 양변기  (일반)  2165,000330,000한샘/로얄
304 양변기 (국산)   350,0000 
305 욕조 BMC (일반)   250,0000 
306 욕조 오닉스(고급)   350,0000 
307 부자재(실리콘,백시멘트,테프론)  130,00030,000 
308 인건비  1M/D170,000170,000 
309 식대   10,0000 
310 운송비   30,0000 
401수전용품공사세면기수전 (일반)  250,000100,000한일테크
402(수전,욕실)세면기수전 대림   80,0000 
403 샤워기수전 (일반)  280,000160,000한일테크
404 해바라기 샤워기   180,0000 
405 샤워기파티션 (일반)   150,0000 
406 욕실거울(800*800) : 일반  270,000140,000카비원
407 욕실거울(800*800) : 고급   150,0000 
408 수납장(500*800) : 일반  280,000160,000카비원
409 수납장(500*800) : 고급(슬라이드)   230,0000카비원
410 액세사리 (일반)  260,000120,000서진
411 액세서리 (고급)   80,0000 
412 부자재(테프론,피스,실리콘 등)  125,00025,000 
413 운송비   30,0000 
414 인건비  1M/D170,000170,000 
415 돔 천정  1230,000230,000 
501타일공사화장실 바닥타일(200*200) : 일반  530,000150,000동서,대동
502 화장실 바닥타일(300*300) : 메탈   55,0000동서,대동
503 화장실 벽타일(250*400) : 일반  1830,000540,000동서,대동
504 현관 벽타일  355,000165,000동서,대동
505 현관타일(300~600)  1.550,00075,000동서,대동
506 주방타일(250*400) : 일반  150,00050,000동서,대동
507 주방타일(150*150) : 수입   m265,0000수입
508 베란다 타일(150*400)   45,0000동서,대동
509 폴리싱 타일   55,0000동서,대동
510 파벽돌   m223,0000 
511 코너비트  69,00054,000스텐
512 부자재(모래,시멘트,본드 등)  1350,000350,000 
513 인건비  7M/D170,0001,190,000 
514 식대  710,00070,000 
515 욕실 젠다이 시공   300,0000 
601가구공사    110,0000 
602(씽크대,장)씽크대(IK7시에나화이트):인조대리석  13,540,0003,540,000한샘
603 아일랜드 식탁(1500)  1490,000490,000한샘
604씽크원홀(씽크대상판에 부착된 수도)  1100,000100,000한샘
605 가스 쿡탑(동양,린나이) : 일반  1230,000230,000한샘
606     500,0000 
607     120,0000 
608 신발장(하이그시1200*2400) : 고급  1550,000550,000한샘
609 씽크볼(SQSR780)   430,0000 
610 베란다 창고장   250,0000 
611 세탁실 상부장   100,0000 
612     M/D170,0000 
613     10,0000 
614 운송비   30,0000 
701전기공사스위치 (일반)  103,00030,000위너스
702 스위치 (고급)   6,0000 
703 콘센트,TV단자  353,000105,000위너스
703 2mm전선   85,0000300m
704 15mm파이프(난연재)   30,000080m
705 기타,소모자재(철물 등)  150,00050,000 
706 식대   10,0000 
707 인건비   M/D170,0000 
708 운송비   30,0000 
801조명공사방등(55w) : LED  370,000210,000에펠라이팅
802 방등(36w 4개) : LED   90,0000에펠라이팅
803 거실등(110w) : LED  1230,000230,000에펠라이팅
804 거실등(55w 5개) : 고급   350,0000 
805 주방등(55w): LED  170,00070,000에펠라이팅
806 베란다 직부등:LED   8,0000에펠라이팅
807 화장실등: LED  240,00080,000에펠라이팅
808 식탁등(중급)LED  170,00070,000에펠라이팅
809 현관등(센스등)LED  135,00035,000에펠라이팅
810 감지기   8,0000 
811 인건비  1M/D170,000170,000 
812 식대   10,0000 
813 운송비   30,0000 
902 내부 락카작업  1900,000900,000 
903 계단 염색/코팅작업  1650,000650,000 
904 락카신나4L   9,0000 
906 베란다 광택스   M28,0000 
905 베란다 탄성코트   650,0000 
907 친환경수용성페인트   35,0000 
908 부자재(실리콘,카바링,사포 등)   60,0000 
909 식대   10,0000 
910 인건비   M/D150,0000 
911 운송비   30,0000 
1001바닥공사하이펫트 (실속)   10,0000 
1002 LG 자연애  2.2T  1148,000528,000LG
1003 KCC황토 숲(고급)2.3T    0 
1004 LG 소리잠(고급)4.5T   90,0000 
1005 강화마루 클릭(일반)확장 포함   80,0000 
1006 강화마루 (포레스트)(일반)(확장포함)   70,0000 
1007 강마루(일반)  13115,0001,495,000한샘/동화
1008 온돌마루(고급)   125,0000 
1009 데코타일(일반)   35,0000 
1010 데코타일(고급)   45,0000 
1011 부자재(본드,실리콘)   40,0000 
1012 마루철거   30,0000 
1013 식대   10,0000 
1014 운송비   30,0000 
1101도배공사소폭합지(일반)   2,2000 
1101 광폭합지(일반)   4,0000신한,LG
1102 실크(고급)        1108,000880,000신한,LG
1103 부자재(부직포 본드,실리콘,풀,하지)1200,000200,000 
1104 식대  610,00060,000 
1105 인건비  4M/D170,000680,000 
1106 인건비  2M/D130,000260,000 
1201목공사1) 목공마감재       
1202 몰딩 (페이퍼)  404,200168,000예림
1203 코너몰딩  220,00040,000예림
1204 액자몰딩   7,5000 
1205 걸레받이  354,000140,000예림
1206 부자재,장비대  1150,000150,000 
1207 인건비  2M/D180,000360,000 
1208 식대  210,00020,000 
1209 운송비   30,0000 
1210 2) 단열 목공사       
1211 방수석고  66,00036,000 
1212 아이소핑크  315,00045,000동화
1213 열반사 단열재  150,00050,000동화
1214 각재1*1*12  135,00035,000 
1215 부자재,장비대  1150,000150,000 
1216 인건비  1M/D180,000180,000 
1217 식대   10,0000 
1218 운송비   30,0000 
1219 4) 등박스 ,문선 목공사       
1220 합판  140,00040,000 
1222 MDF9mm  314,00042,000 
1223 MDF12mm  415,00060,000 
1221 1*1*12  135,00035,000 
1224 석고  44,00016,000 
1225 부자재,장비대  1150,000150,000 
1226 인건비  2M/D180,000360,000 
1227 식대  210,00020,000 
1301철거공사인건비  3M/D150,000450,000 
1302 장비대  150,00050,000 
1303 식대   10,0000 
1501기타공사      0 
1502 폐기물처리  1250,000250,000 
공 사 비      30,509,000 


'jaeilyou's' 카테고리의 다른 글

업체1 견적1 - 28,230,000원  (0) 2016.05.29
업체2 견적 - 48,000,000원 (1, 2층 전체)  (0) 2016.05.29
업체1 견적1 - 28,230,000원  (0) 2016.05.29
안드로이드 분실 추적 어플 / AndroidLost  (0) 2016.05.20
아마존 Prime  (0) 2016.04.10




디자인 인테리어
수신 :OOOOOO귀하
견적 대상 :  주택 리모델링 공사 견적서
견적합계금액 :₩28,230,000          디자인 인테리어
 <단위 : 원>
코드공사명내       용수량단위단 가금    액비    고
200창호공사      8,000,000 
300도기공사      820,000 
400수전용품공사      1,105,000 
500타일공사      2,644,000 
600가구공사      3,178,000 
700전기공사      185,000 
800조명공사      865,000 
900도장공사      1,950,000 
1000바닥공사      1,152,000 
1100도배공사      1,700,000 
1200목공사      2,097,000 
1300철거공사      500,000 
1500기타공사      250,000 
덧붙임1) 상세내역서 참조하세요.
  공    사    비   24,446,000 
  기업이윤(공사비*5%)   1,222,300 
            공 사 비 합 계     25,668,300 
  부가세 (공사비*10%)   2,566,830 
  합          계   28,235,130 
  단          수   -5,130 
  견적 합계 금액   28,230,000 
   저희 업체 에서는 공사완료후 새집증후군 케어 서비스 를 무료로 실시하고있습니다
덧붙임1) 상세내역서
코드공사명내       용수량단위단 가금    액비    고
201창호공사1) 베란다 샷시       
202 LG 베스트(외부22mm) 이중창  16,800,0006,800,000 
203 LG베스트(22mm복층유리)    m2130,0000 
204 3) 목문110MM래핑문       
205 현관중문도아(1000*2100) 일반   500,0000 
206 현관중문3연동 (1200*2400)  11,200,0001,200,000예림/한샘
207 현관 중문 (양계문) 망임 유리   650,0000 
208 ABS도어(900*2100)   230,0000예림/한샘
209 베란다문도아;7mm망임유리 포함   380,0000 
210 부자재(실리콘,폼,정첩,도아록,철물)   40,0000 
211 인건비   M/D150,0000 
212 식대   10,0000 
213 운송비   30,0000 
301도기공사세면기  (일반)  2145,000290,000한샘/로얄
302 세면기 (국산)   160,0000 
303 양변기  (일반)  2165,000330,000한샘/로얄
304 양변기 (국산)   350,0000 
305 욕조 BMC (일반)   250,0000 
306 욕조 오닉스(고급)   350,0000 
307 부자재(실리콘,백시멘트,테프론)  130,00030,000 
308 인건비  1M/D170,000170,000 
309 식대   10,0000 
310 운송비   30,0000 
401수전용품공사세면기수전 (일반)  250,000100,000한일테크
402(수전,욕실)세면기수전 대림   80,0000 
403 샤워기수전 (일반)  280,000160,000한일테크
404 해바라기 샤워기   180,0000 
405 샤워기파티션 (일반)   150,0000 
406 욕실거울(800*800) : 일반  270,000140,000카비원
407 욕실거울(800*800) : 고급   150,0000 
408 수납장(500*800) : 일반  280,000160,000카비원
409 수납장(500*800) : 고급(슬라이드)   230,0000카비원
410 액세사리 (일반)  260,000120,000서진
411 액세서리 (고급)   80,0000 
412 부자재(테프론,피스,실리콘 등)  125,00025,000 
413 운송비   30,0000 
414 인건비  1M/D170,000170,000 
415 돔 천정  1230,000230,000 
501타일공사화장실 바닥타일(200*200) : 일반  530,000150,000동서,대동
502 화장실 바닥타일(300*300) : 메탈   55,0000동서,대동
503 화장실 벽타일(250*400) : 일반  1830,000540,000동서,대동
504 현관 벽타일  355,000165,000동서,대동
505 현관타일(300~600)  1.550,00075,000동서,대동
506 주방타일(250*400) : 일반  150,00050,000동서,대동
507 주방타일(150*150) : 수입   m265,0000수입
508 베란다 타일(150*400)   45,0000동서,대동
509 폴리싱 타일   55,0000동서,대동
510 파벽돌   m223,0000 
511 코너비트  69,00054,000스텐
512 부자재(모래,시멘트,본드 등)  1350,000350,000 
513 인건비  7M/D170,0001,190,000 
514 식대  710,00070,000 
515 욕실 젠다이 시공   300,0000 
601가구공사    110,0000 
602(씽크대,장)씽크대(하이그로시):인조대리석  6.6m280,0001,848,000 
603 아일랜드 식탁(1500)  1450,000450,000 
604씽크원홀(씽크대상판에 부착된 수도)  1100,000100,000 
605 가스 쿡탑(동양,린나이) : 일반  1230,000230,000 
606     500,0000 
607     120,0000 
608 신발장(하이그시1200*2400) : 고급  1550,000550,000 
609 씽크볼(SQSR780)   430,0000 
610 베란다 창고장   250,0000 
611 세탁실 상부장   100,0000 
612     M/D170,0000 
613     10,0000 
614 운송비   30,0000 
701전기공사스위치 (일반)  103,00030,000위너스
702 스위치 (고급)   6,0000 
703 콘센트,TV단자  353,000105,000위너스
703 2mm전선   85,0000300m
704 15mm파이프(난연재)   30,000080m
705 기타,소모자재(철물 등)  150,00050,000 
706 식대   10,0000 
707 인건비   M/D170,0000 
708 운송비   30,0000 
801조명공사방등(55w) : LED  370,000210,000에펠라이팅
802 방등(36w 4개) : LED   90,0000에펠라이팅
803 거실등(110w) : LED  1230,000230,000에펠라이팅
804 거실등(55w 5개) : 고급   350,0000 
805 주방등(55w): LED  170,00070,000에펠라이팅
806 베란다 직부등:LED   8,0000에펠라이팅
807 화장실등: LED  240,00080,000에펠라이팅
808 식탁등(중급)LED  170,00070,000에펠라이팅
809 현관등(센스등)LED  135,00035,000에펠라이팅
810 감지기   8,0000 
811 인건비  1M/D170,000170,000 
812 식대   10,0000 
813 운송비   30,0000 
902 내부 락카작업  11,300,0001,300,000 
903 계단 염색/코팅작업  1650,000650,000 
904 락카신나4L   9,0000 
906 베란다 광택스   M28,0000 
905 베란다 탄성코트   650,0000 
907 친환경수용성페인트   35,0000 
908 부자재(실리콘,카바링,사포 등)   60,0000 
909 식대   10,0000 
910 인건비   M/D150,0000 
911 운송비   30,0000 
1001바닥공사하이펫트 (실속)   10,0000 
1002 LG 자연애  2.2T  2448,0001,152,000LG
1003 KCC황토 숲(고급)2.3T    0 
1004 LG 소리잠(고급)4.5T   90,0000 
1005 강화마루 클릭(일반)확장 포함   80,0000 
1006 강화마루 (포레스트)(일반)(확장포함)   70,0000 
1007 강마루(일반)   115,0000한샘/동화
1008 온돌마루(고급)   125,0000 
1009 데코타일(일반)   35,0000 
1010 데코타일(고급)   45,0000 
1011 부자재(본드,실리콘)   40,0000 
1012 마루철거   30,0000 
1013 식대   10,0000 
1014 운송비   30,0000 
1101도배공사소폭합지(일반)   2,2000 
1101 광폭합지(일반)  504,000200,000신한,LG
1102 실크(고급)        608,000480,000신한,LG
1103 부자재(부직포 본드,실리콘,풀,하지)1200,000200,000 
1104 식대  510,00050,000 
1105 인건비  3M/D170,000510,000 
1106 인건비  2M/D130,000260,000 
1201목공사1) 목공마감재       
1202 몰딩 (페이퍼)  404,200168,000예림
1203 코너몰딩  220,00040,000예림
1204 액자몰딩   7,5000 
1205 걸레받이  354,000140,000예림
1206 부자재,장비대  1150,000150,000 
1207 인건비  2M/D180,000360,000 
1208 식대  210,00020,000 
1209 운송비   30,0000 
1210 2) 단열 목공사       
1211 방수석고  66,00036,000 
1212 아이소핑크  315,00045,000동화
1213 열반사 단열재  150,00050,000동화
1214 각재1*1*12  135,00035,000 
1215 부자재,장비대  1150,000150,000 
1216 인건비  1M/D180,000180,000 
1217 식대   10,0000 
1218 운송비   30,0000 
1219 4) 등박스 ,문선 목공사       
1220 합판  140,00040,000 
1222 MDF9mm  314,00042,000 
1223 MDF12mm  415,00060,000 
1221 1*1*12  135,00035,000 
1224 석고  44,00016,000 
1225 부자재,장비대  1150,000150,000 
1226 인건비  2M/D180,000360,000 
1227 식대  210,00020,000 
1301철거공사인건비  3M/D150,000450,000 
1302 장비대  150,00050,000 
1303 식대   10,0000 
1501기타공사      0 
1502 폐기물처리  1250,000250,000 
공 사 비      24,446,000 




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